A new app for patients is now available to assist patients in the event of a traumatic tooth injury. The app provides easy step-by-step questions, with relevant answers to assist in immediate care of the injury.
For more details, and to check out the app for yourself, read the article on CDA Oasis.
As you may have read in the news, WannaCry, a massive-scale attack on users computers (specifically in the healthcare industry) has taken place, putting peoples data at risk.
We want to stress that we are NOT affected by this malware, since our office runs fully patched versions of macOS and iOS, and all of our data is encrypted at rest and in transit. We continue to employ the latest security patches and apply changes as per the latest security recommendations. We have no Windows machines in operation at our office, and have no risk of infection with this malware.
Please take a moment to read the CDA Statement on flossing:
CDA Statement on Flossing
The Canadian Dental Association supports flossing as one step of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Flossing is an effective preventative measure to remove plaque, the main cause of gum disease. The weakness of the evidence supporting the value of floss in the prevention of gum disease is a reflection of the difficulty of conducting the necessary studies, not of the value of flossing for the maintenance of good oral health. Brushing, flossing, eating a healthy diet, and seeing your dentist regularly are all steps in preserving a healthy mouth.
As part of our effort to continuously update and utilize this website more, we have fully optimized the site for high-resolution displays on iPads, iPhones, and MacBook Pros. You’ll notice a major difference while browsing!
All pages with custom images have been updated to take advantage of these new high resolution images.
Enjoy the newfound clarity! We will be updating this website constantly with more information.
Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer. The construction on Innisfil Beach Road is progressing quite nicely and the section near the office is turning out to look very modern. We will post pictures soon.
While construction is indeed progressing, there is still some congestion- so leave time before your appointments and anticipate some delays.
As always, we cannot wait to see the final result of the construction- and look forward to a modernized look.
Just a reminder, Innisfil Beach Road will be undergoing construction and you should leave yourself extra time when leaving for your appointment. While we don’t anticipate delays to be overwhelmingly long, they are possible.
The office will be open during this construction, and we cannot wait to see Innisfil Beach Road take shape and construction to conclude.
Fluoride is a mineral found in soil, water (both fresh and salt) and various foods.
2. How does fluoride prevent tooth decay?
Fluoride has a positive effect on oral health by making teeth more resistant to decay. Fluoride can also prevent or even reverse tooth decay that has started.
3. Where do I get the fluoride that prevents tooth decay?
For many Canadians, fluoride is in public drinking water, which provides protection to the entire community. Fluoride toothpastes and rinses are available for purchase, and your dentist can provide professional fluoride products such as gels and varnish.
Dental Fluorosis
4. What is dental fluorosis?
Dental fluorosis is a change in the appearance of teeth. It is caused when higher than optimal amounts of fluoride are ingested in early childhood. In its mildest and most common form, it affects the look of the tooth with small white specks appearing on a child’s teeth.
5. Is dental fluorosis a concern in Canada?
The Canadian Health Measures Survey 2007-2009 found that dental fluorosis is not an issue of concern for the vast majority of children (84%). Some children (16%) have mild forms of fluorosis that often go unnoticed by both the children and their parents.
Water Fluoridation
6. What is water fluoridation?
Water fluoridation is the process of adjusting the level of fluoride in a public drinking water supply to optimize the dental benefits of preventing tooth decay.
7. Why is fluoride added to the public drinking water if it is available in other ways?
Fluoride is added to public drinking water to protect all members of the community from tooth decay. Community water fluoridation is a safe and effective way of preventing tooth decay at a low cost.
8. Who watches the fluoride levels in the drinking water?
The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water makes recommendations about the optimal level of fluoride in public drinking water to prevent tooth decay. The recommended level takes into account that Canadians receive fluoride from other sources such as food and beverages.
9. What does an “optimal” level of water fluoridation mean?
An optimal level of water fluoridation is achieved by adjusting the level of fluoride in the water to achieve the right balance between the benefit of preventing tooth decay and the risk of developing dental fluorosis.
10. Are there any health risks associated with water fluoridation?
With the exception of dental fluorosis, scientific studies have not found any credible link between water fluoridation and adverse health effects.
Children & Fluoride
11. Should I be using fluoridated toothpaste with my child?
For children from birth to 3 years of age, the use of fluoridated toothpaste is determined by the level of risk of tooth decay. Parents should consult a health professional to determine whether their child up to 3 years of age is at risk of developing tooth decay. If such a risk exists, the child’s teeth should be brushed by an adult using a minimal amount (a portion the size of a grain of rice) of fluoridated toothpaste. Use of fluoridated toothpaste in a small amount has been determined to achieve a balance between the benefits of fluoride and the risk of developing fluorosis. If the child is not considered to be at risk, the teeth should be brushed by an adult using a toothbrush moistened only with water.
Children may be at risk if:
1. The child lives in an area with a non-fluoridated water supply and low (< 0.3 ppm) natural fluoride levels. (Contact the municipal government to determine if drinking water is fluoridated).
2. The child has a visible defect, notch, cavity or white chalky area on a baby tooth in the front of the mouth.
3. The child regularly consumes sugar (even natural sugars) between meals. This includes use of a bottle or sippy cup filled with any liquid other than water and consumption of sweetened medications.
4. The child has special health care needs that limit his or her cooperative abilities, thus making it difficult for the parent to brush the child’s teeth.
5. The child’s teeth are brushed less often than once a day.
8. The child was born prematurely with a very low birth weight of less than 1500 grams [3 pounds].
6. The parent or caregiver has tooth decay.
7. The child has visible plaque, such as white or yellow deposits on the teeth.
For children from 3 to 6 years of age, only a small amount (a portion the size of a green pea) of fluoridated toothpaste should be used. Children in this age group should be assisted by an adult in brushing their teeth.
A smear of tooth paste (left), Pea-size (right)
12. Why do young children need to be assisted or supervised with tooth brushing?
Young children tend to swallow toothpaste when they are brushing, which may increase their exposure to fluoride and contribute to dental fluorosis. For this reason, children need to be assisted or supervised with tooth brushing. An adult needs to ensure that an appropriate amount of toothpaste is used, that the child spits out the toothpaste rather than swallows it, and that the teeth are cleaned effectively.
13. How do I know if my child is getting enough fluoride protection?
Your dentist is able to assess your child’s risk of developing tooth decay and advise you of an appropriate level of fluoride protection.