WHAT?! My baby has teeth now!?

My baby has teeth!?! What now!?

Nine tips for parents to help build healthy oral habits for their children

Below is a compiled list of tips for caring for your childrens teeth.

1. Before your baby has teeth, wipe the gums gently with a clean wet cloth after each feeding.

2. If your baby sleeps with a bottle or sippy cup at naptime or bedtime, fill it with water only.

3. If your baby normally falls asleep while feeding, brush his or her teeth before feeding.

4. Lift your baby’s lip and watch for changes in colour, lines or spots on your child’s teeth as these may be signs of potential problems

5. As soon as the first tooth appears, start brushing your baby’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning and before bedtime. Fluoride is a mineral that protects teeth.

6. Put a small dab of toothpaste across a small soft brush. Wipe off excess toothpaste until the child can spit it out. Begin flossing at least once a day when your child’s teeth are touching.

7. Change your child’s toothbrush every one to three months or immediately after an illness.

8. Let your child watch you brushing your teeth and assist your child’s tooth brushing.

9. To prevent spreading germs that cause tooth decay, do not put anything in your child’s mouth if it has been in your mouth. Don’t share spoons, cups, food, toothbrushes, etc.